11th Idea Designs

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This design was conceived as a passion project for my own personal portfolio in 2019. With the aim of this project being the creation of a web-based tourism hub for the city of Sydney. With the current Sydney tourism website being the same cookie-cutter design used across the majority of NSW’s tourism campaigns, it was easy to lose it in the crow, despite the city’s iconic status worldwide.

The design of this website aimed to bring all the necessary information required when visiting the city into one convenient place. Intending on the hub being used not only as a way to research and plan a trip to the city but also as a tool to help navigate the public transport systems and prepare for upcoming events, once there. The site was primarily designed with an international tourism market in mind, however, as an all-in-one information hub, the site’s design was also required to be accessible to a domestic audience as well.

As the existing Sydney tourism campaign did not have a logo of its own, the master logo design used for the website was a reworked variant of the Sydney Opera House’s official branding, as seen to the right, with a favicon version of this logo seen above.

With the international demographics primarily being made up of holiday goers from New Zealand and China, the site required a simple yet engaging design solution to communicate to both groups. Rather than purely relying on text-based information to navigate the site, semiotics symbols were employed heavily throughout the menus and page navigations, to streamline the process.

For the campaign’s colour scheme, inspiration was taken from Sydney’s Vivid and The Electric Canvas displays. This type of new-age cultural events is exactly the impression we wish to present to our overseas markets. These colours serving as highlights to the site’s traditional black and white theme, while not detracting from its vibrant photos.

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Disclaimer: Please note that this site “https://sydneytourism.csu.domains/” is in no way officially endorsed by the Australian government in any way and servers as a proof of concept, not as a fully functioning tourism website.